Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chicks Dig Grizzly Bears

I killed an old hag with kindness today. My first customer of the day. Evidently she had been waiting for an hour and needed to go to the medi-clinic. When I got there she bitched at me about how it was a van cab and not a car....and then she bitched about how I didn't help her with her bag, the bag I never knew about until she complained about it. Then she didn't want to stop at a stoplight, and then she bitched about stores having too much lights and wasting money. But then, in comes Carson with his class and kindness. I take all of her complaints in stride, I speak kindly, I offer to help her to the door of the medi-clinic. At the end, she apologizes for being rude and blames it on not feeling well. She doesn't tip but she attitude towards me changed considerably. I win!


I started the evening taking stats on age, gender, quality, tip size, time, and no. of passengers to see if I could get some statistics going, but I gave that up pretty quickly.

Some band was in my cab. I don't know who they were but they seemed to think they were all that because they could by-pass the line at The Pat. They're playing at Amigo's next Friday, I don't know who they are, but they seemed alright because they enjoyed my Black Keys CD.

Observation: Women judge men by what they're like when they're drunk. Men put up with how women are when they're drunk. Somehow, many drunk assholes have girlfriends who are both hot and nice. It's kind of depressing to hear what boyfriends have to say after we've dropped off their girlfriend.

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